External Anode air cooled triode, type VT90 Serial no. P9864, manufactured by NEC Corporation, c1950. External Anode air cooled triode circa 1950
Mobile phone, model name N701iECO, manufactured by NEC for NTT DoCoMo in Japan in 2006 in reinforced bioplastic Mobile phone made of reinforced bioplastic. 2006
C-Band TT and C transponder with two antennas from Inmarsat-2, by NEC Corporation, Space and Laser Communication Development Division, Japan 1984-86. Comprises: transponder, hybrid, telemetry coupler, coaxial switch, two antennas. Transponders with antennas from Inmarsat-2, by NEC, Japan, c 1985 1984-1986
Solid state power amplifier for Intelsat-6 by NEC Corporation, Space and Laser Communication Development Division, Japan, 1985-1987. Solid State Power Amplifier for Intelsat-6 by NEC, Japan, c 1986 1985-1987
Spinwriter printer model 5510, serial number 541023169T 8004, by NEC, with two spare thimbles (Pica 10, Elite 12) c.1980 Spinwriter printer model 5510 1980
Demonstration transponder by NEC Corporation, Space and Laser Communication Development Division, Japan, 1984-86. Comprises: receiver, input multiplexer, up convertor, travelling-wave tube, output multiplexer and power supply (for travelling-wave tube). Demonstration transponder by NEC, Japan, c 1985 1984-1986